"And if you have five seconds to spare
Then I'll tell you the story of my life:
Sixteen, clumsy and shy
I went to London and I
I booked myself in at the Y...W.C.A
I said: "I like it here...can I stay?
I like it here can I stay?
And, do you have a vacancy
For a Back-scrubber?"
[half a person the smiths]
i was first introduced to The Smiths' music in 1987 when my big brother, Tomer, gave me the world wont listen as my 21 birthday gift. this means i was still a soldier, after the teenage years. the memory of removing the plastic cover and playing this cd for the first time in my kibbutz room was a sensation i will never forget. it took me a few years to find my way back to the Smiths first albums, but when i discovered them at my late twenties, it was definitely the beginning of my journey to the brit-pop and the indie music. through the gate opened by the smiths i later discovered all my other favorite british bands - Radiohead, Blur and other.